Stop Children Trafficking

According to survey in 2006 by Top Ten Review, from 4,2 million pornographic website around the world, 100.000 websites of them using children model under 18 years old. “And mostly suspected as Indonesia's children,” says Musnah Sari, Chairman of Indonesia Children Protection committee (KPAI) during law no.23 in 2002 socialization program about children protection at Temanggung regency, last month. This is triggered by presentation, picture, and pornography products easily reached and watched by children since early age, she added.
And today, condition is getting worse by children trafficking. Ellin Rozana, director of the Women’s Institute in Bandung said, this is very bad. "Several factors worsen the situation, including poverty, employment issues, limited access to education, as well as social and cultural aspects," adds Ellin.
So now, how we should take care of our children? When is regional regulation for women and children trafficking should be approved ? We can't wait any longer for these crimes, do we?